Vision Therapy
At Everyone Eyecare, Dr. Llambiri believes that every child or adult in need of vision therapy should be able to attain a personalized vision therapy program.
Each vision therapy program is custom curated for each patient and is made to be completed in the comfort of their own home. Once an evaluation is completed a patient is provided with their own set schedule and proper training on how to complete therapy activities. From there, patients will return for further training, consultations and progress evaluations up until the final evaluation.
Some of the conditions that are managed at Everyone Eyecare are divided into binocular disorders and perceptual disorders. Binocular disorders include but are not limited to convergence insufficiency, accommodative disorders, and ocular motor dysfunction. Perceptual or processing disorders include vision memory, visual sequential memory, visual-spatial orientation, visual discrimination disorders and many more.
Who can benefit from vision therapy?
Vision therapy is recommended for patients who
suffer from binocular vision conditions. Some of
these conditions consist of convergence insufficiency,
ocular motor dysfunction, accommodative instability
and visual processing disorders. Symptoms can
consist from strain while reading, double vision,
losing place while reading, poor comprehension,
letter reversals and much more.
What symptoms will I notice if I need vision therapy?
Typical symptoms include strain while reading or driving, visual fatigue, double vision, skipping lines or losing place while reading, poor comprehension, difficulty paying attention in class or work space, digital fatigue and much more.
When and how often will I need to complete therapy?
Therapy is completed every day for about 10-20 minutes per day. Different actives are set and scheduled with variations so activities differ from day to day. Each patient is provided a link to a google calendar to show what activities to complete per day.
Will my symptoms go away? Will my condition be resolved?
As with all therapy, the goal is to provide neuro-plasticity. A reshaping and an reconditioning of the eyes and brain to be better coordinated while learning and reading. If therapy is appropriately completed the results should resolve most in not all symptoms.
However, as patients, progress in school or in some cases work demands increase symptoms can return. In these cases, we recommend short booster sessions to re-stimulate the neuro-plasticiy complex.
What is are tracking disorders?
Tracking disorders result from a lack of coordination between both eyes. The above image displays what it may feel like when trying to read with tracking difficulties. Patients usually skip lines and have to re-read sentences or even paragraphs multiple times. These symptoms fall under a common condition know as ocular motor dysfunction which is managed and treated with the help of vision therapy.
Why is vision therapy not covered by insurance?
Although some medical insurances cover a portion of
vision therapy most of them do not (about 20%). At
Everyone Eyecare your vision therapy program is very
important to us. Insurance companies try to dictate
treatment that our patients receive based on certain
and specific codes that they will provide payment for.
Vision therapy programs do not fall under these certain
codes and will not be paid for. At Everyone Eyecare we
believe that your treatment is more important and we
do not want to be limited by these codes.
The Process
The evaluation process for signing someone for vision therapy has multiple steps. Before confirming someone for vision therapy we want to fully confirm that they genuinely require it. Multiple steps and tests are completed before confirmation. An initial eye exam is recommended with Dr. Llambiri. This includes the health check of the eyes, a binocular vision screening as well as ruling out if the patient requires glasses. From there the First Evaluation is completed. This consists of a full binocular vision and perceptual evaluation. Expect the duration of testing to be about an hour to an hour and a half. Next, a therapy consultation is scheduled to go over test results as well as explain and demonstrate the prescribed therapy activities. Patients will then return after completing therapy for progress evaluations and further therapy consultations to go over new activities. Once recommend therapy is complete patients will return for a final evaluation.
Initial Eye Exam
First Evaluation
Therapy Consultation(s)
Progress Evaluation(s)
Final Evaluation
Please call us to schedule your appointment
Phone (830) 608-3297
(this appointment is unable to be scheduled online)